First Entry Ground Rules


Being that this is my first blog post I felt it best to set down some ground rules for myself to set the skeleton for what this blog will be about and what people can expect to take away from my writings.

  1. Make sure that what I am writing is engaging and has a purpose for sharing. I am going to do my best to make sure that what I post is useful information as well as entertaining.

  2. Avoid Using Buzz Words. For my blog I am going to do my best to avoid using popular language. Using Buzz words is a great way for people and companies to get website attraction. I am not against the practice but I am not building this blog for the prospects of being discovered. Using this blog in that way could come off as being non-genuine. Someone who is following the current trends, not because they personally believe in them or care but because it is popular and they want to be noticed and gain web traffic.

  3. Don't be hung up about details like time of posting. Some people dwell on the fact that they have not posted in a while. I won't be doing that..

  4. Be mindful of spelling, grammar and run on sentences. I will do my best to make sure I catch any mistakes.

The purpose of this blog is to act as a journal. It is personal writing pertaining to business advice, graphic design, and experiences. 

Chris Alexakis